Custom order management portal
Completed April 2017
GoProduce is a weekly “farm-to-door” delivery service operating out of the Leamington / Windsor area of southern Ontario.
Rapid growth was putting a strain on their original ordering system which was struggling to keep pace as the business evolved. Making matters worse, routine maintenance tasks were taking up more time each week.
They needed to upgrade their entire online operation. Delays would mean a loss of market share and recurring revenue.
How we solved it
New everything
Quickly learning how their entire operation worked, we re-developed all of their online tools from the ground-up.
That meant a new website, new customer self-service portal, and a new back-office management system.
With new tools built in record time, Go Produce was ready to kick their expansion plans into high-gear.

Intuitive, self-service customer portal
With an emphasis on functionality and usability, we re-designed the customer portal.
The new portal introduced many new features and had a wider variety of options and customizations, but the overall user-experience improved dramatically. We integrated with Bambora for simplified & secure recurring credit card processing.

Flexible & powerful administrative tools
We re-built the admin tools from the ground-up to allow for much greater flexibility of product offerings.
The new interface made it easier for staff to complete common recurring tasks including tracking orders, generating delivery route plans (via an integration with Routific), managing the contents of upcoming deliveries, managing stock levels, generating detailed accounting reports and more.

Triggered email deployments
We developed 10 different automated email messages and set them to be delivered by different triggers.
Emails included: onboarding emails, payment failures, customization reminders, delivery notification (triggered by QR code scans by the delivery driver), referral bonus notifications, and more.
We integrated the emails with SendGrid’s marketing platform to allow content changes to be made easily by the marketing team without needing to spend more money on programming.

Project Recap
A year after launch, here’s how the new site performed against the previous version.
- +44% annual revenue
- 4x conversion rate improvement
- +92% increase in unique page views
- >400 hrs of manual labour saved
After the initial launch, we continued to work with GoProduce to build additional features including:
- New bag types
- Recurring weekly extras
- Age restricted alcohol ordering
- New delivery zones and delivery days
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